Gifts from the Heart
Temple of the High Country is nourished by the love, talent, and creative investment of each of our community members. Our membership works on the simple premise that each of us invests something of ourselves – emotionally, spiritually, and financially as you are able – in order to get a whole lot more from each other.
Become a Member
We’re excited that you’re considering becoming a member of Temple of the High Country. We have a team of volunteers happy to help you explore what we can offer.
Our voluntary membership model, called Gifts from the Heart, reflects our core beliefs and commitment. The prophet Isaiah commands us to “clear a path and remove all obstacles from the road of my people'' and that is what we have done. We know that every family and every individual member has unique needs and resources. Gifts from the Heart allows our members to reflect on and quantify the value that Temple of the High Country brings to them, and to let their hearts set their financial contribution to their congregation.
With your Gifts from the heart membership contribution, you will receive the benefits of membership at Temple of the High Country, including:
• High Holy Day seats for member adult(s) and children under 26 living in the home
• Sunday School and Junior Shabbat
• Childcare is available during adult services
• Clergy officiation at bris/baby naming, wedding, and funeral services
• Clergy well/sick visits
• Lots of camaraderie and good food