All the real work of this synagogue is done by its volunteer committees: people just like you, who share
their skills to make this community the special place that it is.
What are your interests?
Boone is a small town. They tend to roll up the streets at 8:00 pm. So every week, our Oneg Committee makes it possible for us to gather, mingle, and break bread after our Friday evening services – without having to rush out and try to find an open restaurant. Many hands make light work. We need your help!
You can:Prepare a dish to share
Come early and set up before (or during) services
Stick around after and help pick up after the Oneg
The most interesting people are always the ones helping out!
Working in close collaboration with our rabbi, the Ritual Committee has a vital role in shaping ToTHC’s religious practices and policies, from how we practice kashruth (religious dietary laws) to how we include the non-Jewish members of our Temple family.
These volunteers are also essential in making our High Holy Days smooth and successful.
The Temple of the High Country enjoys warm relations with our neighbors of all faiths, and active partnerships with our local law enforcement agencies and private security.
The Temple also employs unobtrusive defense-in-depth strategies designed by military advisors to keep our members and guests safe at all times on Temple property, without interfering with the sense of serenity one feels upon entering.
The Safety & Security Committee is responsible for recommending and implementing the practices, acquisitions, and training that keep our members, guests, and employees safe.
The Membership Committee has its finger on the pulse of our congregation, staying aware of the issues that are most important to YOU as people come and go.
The Tzedakah Committee confers once per year to recommend the Temple’s support levels to a range of charitable organizations.
Roughly half of these organizations are non-profits local to the High Country; the remainder are national or international Jewish organizations.
The Tidy Team is a small group of dedicated volunteers that keeps our Temple neat, organized, and ready for company!
Working in close collaboration with the Decorating Committee, the Tidy Team keeps our synagogue looking its best.
The Building & Grounds Committee is a small group of DIY-ers whom we call on whenever something needs fixing, or just fixing up – inside or out.
Whenever the Temple needs to be reconfigured before or after a big event, we pitch in.
We also get together after Yom Kippur to erect the Temple’s sukkah – and sometimes have a kosher cookout!
Do your skills include?
Moving walls & chairs
Email us with the button below!
The Development Committee implements plans and instruments to keep our Temple financially healthy long into the future. It is responsible for establishing and fostering awareness of the Temple’s endowment fund; assisting interested members in establishing CRAT trusts; and enabling other forms of legacy sustainment.
The Caring Community is a committee which schedules volunteers from the congregation to provide help for members who are in need. Services may include providing rides, doing small errands, cooking meals etc. Referrals to outside community agencies may be made by the committee as necessary.
The committee also sends cards and gifts of support to members experiencing major life events or challenges.
Holidays at ToTHC are a big deal!
Each holiday’s festivities are organized and put together by a different group of volunteers.
Which holiday is your favorite?We have many opportunities to organize or help out!
Passover Seder
Tu b’Shevat
Yom haZikaron / Yom haAtzma’uth (Israeli Veteran’s Day and Independence Day)
Yom haShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)
Simchat Torah
Christmas Eve or Day Movie Night
The Information Technology & Audio-Visual Committee is a select group of highly skilled volunteers who keep the Temple’s information technology infrastructure and audiovisual systems running smoothly.
Do your skills include:
Video editing
Image production
Social media
We need your help! Please click the link below if you are interested in this volunteer opportunities.
Similar to Holiday Planning, the Fundraising Committee puts together some of the most fun-filled events at our Temple! Our blockbuster 10th Anniversary Gala was one of their recent successes.
The Hardship Committee is a group of volunteers which is convened on an as-needed basis to respond to requests for financial assistance that may be received by the Temple.
The Hardship Committee operates with the utmost discretion. Aid recipients’ identities are not disclosed to anyone.
The committee also sends cards and gifts of support to members experiencing major life events or challenges.